Deal 15
♠ ?
♣ ?

You are South and it is your bid.
Decide what you would say, then click on BID .
  ♠ A 7 3
K J 9 6 4
♣ Q J 10

Deal 15
♠ 9 5 4
10 8 7 3
A Q 6 2
♣ 7 5

You may not have had a problem with this opening bid, but be assured that many would. The hand meets all the requirements for an opening 1NT bid, balanced distribution and 16 points. So lots of good players would open 1NT. However, there is the question of the 5-card Major. Another group of good players don't open 1NT when their hand contains a 5-card Major.

So let us agree that either could be right and say that you chose 1. West overcalls 1♠, partner says 2 and you pass.

South plays 2. West leads the ♠K.

Make a Plan, then click NEXT .
  ♠ A 7 3
K J 9 6 4
♣ Q J 10

Deal 15
♠ 9 5 4
10 8 7 3
A Q 6 2
♣ 7 5
  South plays 2. West leads the ♠K.

Losers: ♠ 2 : 2 : 0 : ♣ 2 : Total = 6

You might get lucky in the trump suit and only lose one trick, but you can't count on it. Dummy's suit has two extra winners, but there is the problem of transportation. By the time you get to enjoy those two winners you might have already lost six tricks.

One thing should be crystal clear. If you now lead a trump the defenders will win and cash 2 ♠s. You can avoid this by waiting on the trumps and playing K, then overtake the J with dummy's Q. Then play A and discard a ♠. Now from dummy you can lead a and perhaps play your K but even if it loses you will still make the contract.

Click NEXT for the full deal.
  ♠ A 7 3
K J 9 6 4
♣ Q J 10

Deal 15
♠ 9 5 4
10 8 7 3
A Q 6 2
♣ 7 5
  It shouldn't have come as a surprise that West held both A Q, after all he is the one who overcalled.

Make sure you visualize how the play would have gone if you had played a trump to the second trick. When you see clearly the bad things that are likely to happen you will look harder for a remedy. When confronted with a hand such as this many beginning (or careless) players just automatically start trying to pull trumps. And many times they go down on hands that could have been made.

 Deal 16 
♠ K Q J 10 8
9 8 4
♣ K 9 6
♠ 6 2
5 2
10 7 5 3
♣ A 8 4 3 2
  ♠ A 7 3
K J 9 6 4
♣ Q J 10