Deal 30
♠ ?
♣ ?

You are South and it is your bid.
Decide what you would say, then click on BID .
  ♠ A K 8 6 5 4
8 6
♣ A J 8 3

Deal 30
♠ ?
♣ ?
23pass BID 

You have an easy 1♠ opening bid.

But West overcalls 2 and partner bids 3.

What do you bid next?
  ♠ A K 8 6 5 4
8 6
♣ A J 8 3

Deal 30
♠ Q 7 2
K Q 8 6
Q 9 2
♣ K Q 7

You should be certain to have a partnership agreement on the meaning of a cue-bid after an overcall.

Most good players use it to show support for opener's suit and at least 11 points. In other words, a hand with which you would have made a limit-raise or better.

So you bid the ♠ game.

South plays 4♠. West leads the A, then K, then J. East discards on the second and ruffs the third one with the ♠10.

Make a Plan, then click NEXT .
  ♠ A K 8 6 5 4
8 6
♣ A J 8 3

Deal 30
♠ Q 7 2
K Q 8 6
Q 9 2
♣ K Q 7
  South plays 4♠. West leads the A, then K, then J. East discards on the second and ruffs the third one with the ♠10.

Losers: ♠ 0? : 1 : 2? : ♣ 0 : Total = 3?

The loser count looks a little messy - that's because of the circumstances. If you could have just played three rounds of ♠s you would probably have had 0 losers, and if you ruff this you will have only 2 losers, but maybe create a ♠ loser.

But though the loser count is confused your plan should not be. You DO NOT over-ruff the ♠10. Instead you discard your one loser (a loser-on-loser play). East can have this trick but whatever he returns you will win, pull trumps in THREE rounds if necessary, and take the rest of the tricks.

Click NEXT to see the full deal.
  ♠ A K 8 6 5 4
8 6
♣ A J 8 3

Deal 30
♠ Q 7 2
K Q 8 6
Q 9 2
♣ K Q 7
  Discarding the loser instead of over-ruffing was the winning Plan. If you had over-ruffed you would have lost the , but you would also have to lose a trump. You made a good play.

But did you notice that West made a bad play? He should have cashed his A before he led the third for his partner to ruff. Then when his partner ruffed with the ♠10 your goose would have been cooked.

 Deal 31 
♠ J 9 3
A 5 3
A K J 10 5 4
♣ 6
♠ 10
10 9 7 4 2
7 3
♣ 10 9 5 4 2
  ♠ A K 8 6 5 4
8 6
♣ A J 8 3