Deal 43
♠ ?
♣ ?
1NTpass BID 

You are South and it is your bid.
Decide what you would say, then click on BID .
  ♠ K 8 3 2
Q 10 9 5 2
K 7
♣ 6 2

Deal 43
♠ ?
♣ ?
pass2pass BID 

Because you have an invitational hand with a 4-card Major (♠s) you use Stayman.

After your 2♣ bid partner says 2.

What do you bid next?
  ♠ K 8 3 2
Q 10 9 5 2
K 7
♣ 6 2

Deal 43
♠ ?
♣ ?
pass3pass BID 

Partner does not have 4 (♠s) so you have no 8-card fit there. However, he might have 3 s, so you now bid 2. Partner will understand you are showing a 5-card suit.

Partner bids 3. What do you say?
  ♠ K 8 3 2
Q 10 9 5 2
K 7
♣ 6 2

Deal 43
♠ A 7
K 6 4
Q J 8 4
♣ K Q 7 3

This could go either way. You started out with 9 points, but perhaps you could revalue your hand upward after you find the fit. The problem with that is those two doubletons are in the long-trump hand, and taking ruffs in the long-trump hand doesn't usually add tricks. You take the conservative route and pass.

South plays 3. West leads the ♣J.

Make a Plan, then click NEXT .
  ♠ K 8 3 2
Q 10 9 5 2
K 7
♣ 6 2

Deal 43
♠ A 7
K 6 4
Q J 8 4
♣ K Q 7 3
  South plays 3. West leads the ♣J.

Losers: ♠ 2 : 2 : 1 : ♣ 1 : Total = 6

You may be able to ruff 1 ♠ in dummy, and discard another on a long . And you hope to keep your trump losers to 1.

Start by covering the ♣J to set up a sure ♣ trick. East wins the ♣A and returns a ♣, won by dummy's ♣K. It looks better to start the trumps from your side, so play a toward your K. West wins and plays a ♣, which you ruff. Now lead a , playing the K if West plays low. Assume this wins the trick. Lead a back, finessing the 9 since you think West must hold the A. He does hold it, and takes it right now. West leads a ♠. You win the ♠A in dummy, play the ♠7 to your ♠K, and ruff a ♠ with dummy's last trump. Now lead dummy's Q J, discarding a ♠ on the last one. You have only good trumps left.

Click NEXT to see the full deal.
  ♠ K 8 3 2
Q 10 9 5 2
K 7
♣ 6 2

Deal 43
♠ A 7
K 6 4
Q J 8 4
♣ K Q 7 3
  The play for this hand was not straightforward at all, and might have taken a different path had the East/West cards been arranged differently. However, the general approach of ruffing a ♠ in dummy and setting up the suit would bring the best result with most arrangements.

 Deal 44 
♠ J 9 6
A 7
A 6 5 2
♣ J 10 9 4
♠ Q 10 5 4
J 8 3
10 9 3
♣ A 8 5
  ♠ K 8 3 2
Q 10 9 5 2
K 7
♣ 6 2