Deal 62

The bidding has gone as shown.
Decide what you would say, then click on BID above.
  ♠ Q 9 4
J 8 4
A J 6
♣ K 9 5 3

Deal 62
pass3♣pass BID 

When using lebensohl, a 2NT bid over an enemy overcall asks partner to bid 3♣.
So partner replies 3♣. What do you say now?
  ♠ Q 9 4
J 8 4
A J 6
♣ K 9 5 3

Deal 62
♠ K J 10 5
10 3
♣ Q J 10 2

When using lebensohl, a 2NT bid over an enemy overcall asks partner to bid 3♣.
So partner replies 3♣. What do you say now?

Now you complete the sequence by bidding 3NT. This says that not only do you think 3NT would be a good choice, but also that you have their s stopped.

Click NEXT to continue.
  ♠ Q 9 4
J 8 4
A J 6
♣ K 9 5 3

Deal 62
♠ K J 10 5
10 3
♣ Q J 10 2

The contract would be 3NT played by North.

To make South the declarer click ROTATE .
  ♠ Q 9 4
J 8 4
A J 6
♣ K 9 5 3

Deal 62
♠ Q 9 4
J 8 4
A J 6
♣ K 9 5 3

South plays 3NT. West leads the K.
What will you play from dummy? (East follows with the 2.

Make a Plan, then click NEXT .
  ♠ K J 10 5
10 3
♣ Q J 10 2

Deal 62
♠ Q 9 4
J 8 4
A J 6
♣ K 9 5 3
  Winner List: ♠ = 0 : = 3 : = 1 : ♣ = 0 :: Total = 4

Since West has apparently led from K Q it seems you will get a second winner when they pursue the suit.
You can also establish 3 more winners in ♣s.
You can also establish 3 more winners in ♠s.

But as you can figure, you are going to have to establish BOTH black suits to get enough winners, and therein lies the problem. If West has a 5-card suit they will be able to establish 3 winners by the time you have knocked out both black Aces. In that case you cannot make the contract. Of course, if the s are split 4-4 you will only lose 2 s and the two black Aces. However West would probably not have overcalled a 4-card suit.

  ♠ K J 10 5
10 3
♣ Q J 10 2

Deal 62
♠ Q 9 4
J 8 4
A J 6
♣ K 9 5 3
  Winner List: ♠ = 0 : = 3 : = 1 : ♣ = 0 :: Total = 4
Since West has apparently led from K Q it seems you will get a second winner when they pursue the suit.
You can also establish 3 more winners in ♣s.
You can also establish 3 more winners in ♠s.
But as you can figure, you are going to have to establish BOTH black suits to get enough winners, and therein lies the problem. If West has a 5-card suit they will be able to establish 3 winners by the time you have knocked out both black Aces. In that case you cannot make the contract. Of course, if the s are split 4-4 you will only lose 2 s and the two black Aces. However West would probably not have overcalled a 4-card suit.

But West might have a 6-card suit, leaving East with just 2.
Assume the two black Aces are split, one with West and one with East. If you win the first trick with dummy's A you will be OK if you first play the black suit where West holds the Ace. He will take it and then establish his s. No problem, because when you knock out East's black Ace he won't have a left. BUT, if you guess the wrong black suit first you will go down.

You can protect your interests fully just by letting West hold the first , then winning the second as cheaply as you can. At that point East will be out of s so it won't matter which black suit you go for.

Click NEXT to see the full deal.
  ♠ K J 10 5
10 3
♣ Q J 10 2

Deal 62
♠ Q 9 4
J 8 4
A J 6
♣ K 9 5 3
  The Deal shows West with 6 s to the K Q, the critical situation.

If you take dummy's A at the first trick you will succeed if you next attack ♠s, but you will fail if you next attack ♣s.

But if you hold up on the first trick and win the continuation, you will succeed whichever black suit you attack next.

The holdup would of course fail if West held both black Aces, but in this case no Plan would succeed.

Deal 63
♠ A 7 2
9 6 3
K Q 9 8 7 4
♣ 6
♠ 8 6 3
10 7 5 2
5 2
♣ A 8 7 4
  ♠ K J 10 5
10 3
♣ Q J 10 2