Deal 8 ♠  
2♣pass BID 

The bidding has gone as shown.
Decide what you would bid, then click on BID above.

  ♠ K 8 7 5
Q J 10 3
10 5
♣ 9 7 3

Deal 8 ♠  
pass2NTpass BID 

The bidding has gone as shown.
Decide what you would bid, then click on BID above.

You have 6 points and bid a Negative 2.
Partner now bids 2NT. What is your bid?

  ♠ K 8 7 5
Q J 10 3
10 5
♣ 9 7 3

Deal 8 ♠  
pass3pass BID 

The bidding has gone as shown.
Decide what you would bid, then click on BID above.

You have 6 points and bid a Negative 2.
Partner now bids 2NT. What is your bid?

Partner has a balanced 22-24 points. With your 6 you want to be in game, but which game; 3NT, 4 or 4♠?
You can't answer that question unless you know if partner has a 4-card Major suit. So you bid 3♣, which is Stayman in this case. Partner replies 3. What do you say?

  ♠ K 8 7 5
Q J 10 3
10 5
♣ 9 7 3

Deal 8 ♠ A Q
A K 7 5
Q 8 4
♣ A K J 10

The bidding has gone as shown.
Decide what you would bid, then click on BID above.

You have 6 points and bid a Negative 2.
Partner now bids 2NT. What is your bid?

Partner has a balanced 22-24 points. With your 6 you want to be in game, but which game; 3NT, 4 or 4♠?
You can't answer that question unless you know if partner has a 4-card Major suit. So you bid 3♣, which is Stayman in this case. Partner replies 3. What do you say?

Knowing of the 4-4 fit you bid 4.
By the way: Partner knew your 3♣ bid was not the Second Negative because you don't use Second Negative following a 2NT rebid, you just pass.

 Deal 9 
  ♠ K 8 7 5
Q J 10 3
10 5
♣ 9 7 3