Deal 1
♠ Q 10 5
K Q J 10 5
7 4
♣ A Q 6

After North's 1 opening South counts 12 HCP plus one length point for the fifth . That is enough for a 2/1 response so South says 2.

The partnership is now forced to reach game so North bids 2NT.
This describes a balanced hand with exactly 5 s and no 4-card ♠ suit.

South is happy to play in Notrump, and with no extra strength above the 13 points already promised, uses Quick Arrival and bids 3NT. North passes and a reasonable game contract is reached.

Notice that you would bid this hand the same way whether or not you play 2/1.

 Deal 2 
  ♠ J 8 4
A 2
K 10 9 6 3
♣ K J 4