Deal 3
♠ K 5
K Q J 7 4 3
7 5
♣ A K 4

With 16+ points and 3 s, South will insist on a game at a minimum. But there is no need to start making jump bids, she starts with a simple 2 bid.
North also refrains from a jump, and rebids 2 to show the 6-card suit.

South now says 3 to set the trump suit.
At this point North reveals some slam interest, making a control-showing bid of 4♣.
South continues the process, and bids 4, showing the A.

North has heard enough. He bids 4NT, and when South admits to two Aces he bids the slam.

 Deal 4 
  ♠ Q 6
A 8 2
A K Q 6 3
♣ 7 6 3