Deal 11
♠ A J 10
A K 9 8 5
K 9 6
♣ Q 7

North opens 1 and South responds 2♣.
Using standard bidding North would now jump to 3NT to show his 19 points, but in 2/1 this is not necessary since the partnership must not stop bidding until game is reached. So North just bids 2NT. South shows her minimum by bidding 3NT.

North will now disclose his extra strength. He bids 4NT. This is not Blackwood, but rather a quantitative raise in Notrump, and an invitation to slam.

South has 15 points, and they are good ones. She accepts the invitation and bids 6NT.

There are 11 top tricks. A 3-3 split would provide the 12th winner, but this is against the odds. Better to try two ♠ finesses, a 75% chance.

 Deal 12 
  ♠ 8 6 3
7 3
A Q 4
♣ A K J 10 4