Deal 15
♠ A Q 8 6 2
10 4
K 6 5
♣ K 8 7

North opens 1♠.
South has 11 points, enough to respond 2 in standard bidding, but not when using 2/1. So she bids 1NT.

North would love to pass 1NT but is not permitted to do so. He has no good bid, so he must bid a 3-card suit. When holding two 3-card minors, usually bid ♣s.
South now shows the suit that she could not bid first round.

North was forced to reply to 1NT, but he is not forced to bid again. With his minimum hand and a tolerance for partner's suit he just passes and the partnership ends up in a reasonable contract.

This hand demonstrates one of the benefits of Forcing 1NT. In standard bidding South's first response would be 2, and North would have to bid again, probably 2NT. The partnership might go even higher but in any case would probably not reach a good contract.

 Deal 16 
  ♠ J
K Q J 7 5 3
4 3 2
♣ Q 5 4