Deal 27
♠ Q J 9 8 4 2
A J 9 5
8 3
♣ K

North opens 1♠. Perhaps a little marginal, but you don't pass 13 point hands.
South has a good 2/1 response of 2♣.

North's first priority is to show a 4-card suit, so he does.
South wouldn't dare support s with only three cards, but has a good 2NT bid.

North is not happy in notrump so rebids the 6-card major, 3♠.
South's two ♠s are enough support so she bids the ♠ game.

 Deal 28 
  ♠ 10 7
Q 10 3
A J 6
♣ A Q 6 4 2