Deal 1 ♠  
pass4NTpass BID 

The bidding has gone as shown.
Your 3 bid showed 11-12 points.
Decide how you would answer partner's Blackwood 4NT, then click on BID above.
  ♠ A K
K 9 4 2
J 10 8 5
♣ 8 6 3

Deal 1 ♠ 9
Q J 10 7 5
A K Q 3
♣ K Q 4

The bidding has gone as shown.
Your 3 bid showed 11-12 points.
Decide how you would answer partner's Blackwood 4NT, then click on BID above.

The Blackwood response for 1 Ace is 5. Partner evidently was hoping for 2, and he signs off at 5. He is the Captain so you pass.

 Deal 2 
  ♠ A K
K 9 4 2
J 10 8 5
♣ 8 6 3