Deal 10
♠ K 7 2
5 3
K Q J 6 5
♣ 10 7 5

North's 2 bid showed a hand with limit raise or better in s. South doesn't bother with Blackwood since he already knows about the Aces. He just bids the slam.
South plays 6. West leads the K, won by you with the A.

Make a Plan, then click NEXT .
  ♠ A J
A 10 8 7 4 3
♣ A J 9 3

Deal 10
♠ K 7 2
K Q J 6 5
♣ 10 7 5
  The good news is that you have no losers in ♠s, , or s.
The bad news is that you have two losers in ♣s.
The good news is that missing the ♣ K Q you could try two finesses.
The bad news is that West overcalled, so he probably has both honors.
The best news of all is that you know how to pull off an elimination play!.
Play a trump to dummy's K (West discards a ) and ruff the 5.

Click NEXT .
  ♠ A J
A 10 8 7 4 3
♣ A J 9 3

Deal 10
♠ K 7 2
Q J 6 5
♣ 10 7 5
  The good news is that you have no losers in ♠s, , or s.
The bad news is that you have two losers in ♣s.
The good news is that missing the ♣ K Q you could try two finesses.
The bad news is that West overcalled, so he probably has both honors.
The best news of all is that you know how to pull off an elimination play!.
Play a trump to dummy's K (West discards a ) and ruff the 5.

Pull the outstanding trump with the A, then play ♠A, ♠K and ruff a ♠.

Click NEXT .
  ♠ A J
A 10 8 7
♣ A J 9 3

Deal 10
Q J 6
♣ 10 7 5
  The good news is that you have no losers in ♠s, , or s.
The bad news is that you have two losers in ♣s.
The good news is that missing the ♣ K Q you could try two finesses.
The bad news is that West overcalled, so he probably has both honors.
The best news of all is that you know how to pull off an elimination play!.
Play a trump to dummy's K (West discards a ) and ruff the 5.

Pull the outstanding trump with the A, then play ♠A, ♠K and ruff a ♠.

You want to play the first ♣ from dummy, so enter dummy with a trump.

Click NEXT .
10 8
♣ A J 9 3

Deal 10
Q 6
♣ 10 7 5
  The good news is that you have no losers in ♠s, , or s.
The bad news is that you have two losers in ♣s.
The good news is that missing the ♣ K Q you could try two finesses.
The bad news is that West overcalled, so he probably has both honors.
The best news of all is that you know how to pull off an elimination play!.
Play a trump to dummy's K (West discards a ) and ruff the 5.

Pull the outstanding trump with the A, then play ♠A, ♠K and ruff a ♠.

You want to play the first ♣ from dummy, so enter dummy with a trump.

Play the ♣10 from dummy and let it ride if East does not produce the ♣Q or ♣K. West will win with one of the honors but will have to return another ♣ or give you a ruff-sluff.

Click NEXT for the full deal.
♣ A J 9 3

Deal 10
♠ K 7 2
5 3
K Q J 6 5
♣ 10 7 5
  When you are missing the K Q of a suit, as in the ♣s on this hand, taking two finesses gives you a 75% chance of success - all things being equal.

In this case though, West's overcall means all things are not equal, so your chances are lower than 75%.

But never mind the percentages for a finesse, the end-play was a sure thing.

 Deal 11 
♠ 10 8 5
K Q J 10 8 4
♣ K Q 4 2
♠ Q 9 6 4 3
9 7 6 2
9 2
♣ 8 6
  ♠ A J
A 10 8 7 4 3
♣ A J 9 3