Deal 15
♠ Q 5
A J 6 2
A 9 6 4
♣ A J 5

South considered Blackwood, then realized if North showed either 2 or 3 Aces he was going to bid slam.
But if North showed just one Ace he would have to maneuver to play 5NT which might be worse than 6♣.
So he just bid the slam.
South plays 6♣. West leads the ♠J.

Make a Plan, then click NEXT .
  ♠ A 4
K J 3
♣ K Q 10 9 6 4 3

Deal 15
OL: ♠J
♠ Q 5
A J 6 2
A 9 6 4
♣ A J 5
  You wish, you hope, you may even pray, but when you play the ♠Q East covers with the ♠K. So you know you have a ♠ loser. And unless East holds the Q you might have a loser also.

Perhaps an elimination play will improve your chances. Don't lead a trump yet though, you're going to need several entries to dummy to eliminate the s.

Win the ♠, play to the A and ruff a .

Click NEXT .
  ♠ A 4
K J 3
♣ K Q 10 9 6 4 3

Deal 15
OL: ♠J
♠ 5
J 6
A 9 6 4
♣ A J 5
  You wish, you hope, you may even pray, but when you play the ♠Q East covers with the ♠K. So you know you have a ♠ loser. And unless East holds the Q you might have a loser also.

Perhaps an elimination play will improve your chances. Don't lead a trump yet though, you're going to need several entries to dummy to eliminate the s.

Win the ♠, play to the A and ruff a .

Play a trump to dummy's ♣J (both defenders follow) and ruff another high.

Click NEXT .
  ♠ 4
K J 3
♣ K Q 10 6 4 3

Deal 15
OL: ♠J
♠ 5
A 9 6 4
♣ A 5
  You wish, you hope, you may even pray, but when you play the ♠Q East covers with the ♠K. So you know you have a ♠ loser. And unless East holds the Q you might have a loser also.

Perhaps an elimination play will improve your chances. Don't lead a trump yet though, you're going to need several entries to dummy to eliminate the s.

Win the ♠, play to the A and ruff a .

Play a trump to dummy's ♣J (both defenders follow) and ruff another high.

Play to dummy's ♣A, pulling their last trump, and ruff the last .

Click NEXT .
  ♠ 4
K J 3
♣ K Q 6 4

Deal 15
OL: ♠J
♠ 5
A 9 6 4
♣ 5
  You wish, you hope, you may even pray, but when you play the ♠Q East covers with the ♠K. So you know you have a ♠ loser. And unless East holds the Q you might have a loser also.
Perhaps an elimination play will improve your chances. Don't lead a trump yet though, you're going to need several entries to dummy to eliminate the s.
Win the ♠, play to the A and ruff a .
Play a trump to dummy's ♣J (both defenders follow) and ruff another high.
Play to dummy's ♣A, pulling their last trump, and ruff the last .

Now execute the throw-in by leading a ♠. If West wins the trick he will have to play s for you or give you a ruff-sluff. So if these are competent defenders they will make sure that it is EAST who wins the ♠ trick. So he does, and he plays a small .

Click NEXT .
  ♠ 4
K J 3
♣ K Q

Deal 15
OL: ♠J
A 9 6 4
♣ 5
  You wish, you hope, you may even pray, but when you play the ♠Q East covers with the ♠K. So you know you have a ♠ loser. And unless East holds the Q you might have a loser also.
Perhaps an elimination play will improve your chances. Don't lead a trump yet though, you're going to need several entries to dummy to eliminate the s.
Win the ♠, play to the A and ruff a .
Play a trump to dummy's ♣J (both defenders follow) and ruff another high.
Play to dummy's ♣A, pulling their last trump, and ruff the last .
Now execute the throw-in by leading a ♠. If West wins the trick he will have to play s for you or give you a ruff-sluff. So if these are competent defenders they will make sure that it is EAST who wins the ♠ trick. So he does, and he plays a small .

DO NOT PLAY THE JACK! If the finesse is going to work now it will still work one trick later. By playing low you take advantage of the possibility that East held the 10 and West will have to put on the Q to prevent you taking a trick with dummy's 9.

Click NEXT  to see the Deal.
K J 3
♣ K Q

Deal 15
OL: ♠J
♠ Q 5
A J 6 2
A 9 6 4
♣ A J 5
  Many elimination endings give you a sure thing. Others just improve your chances.

Here you had two chances. First, West might have HAD to win the throw-in, either because he had all of the high ♠s, or more likely because he messed up. The second chance paid off when East took the throw-in but you found a fortunate position with the s.

 Deal 16 
♠ J 10 9 7 2
K 10 7 4
Q 8 2
♣ 7
♠ K 8 6 3
Q 9 8 3
10 7 5
♣ 8 2
  ♠ A 4
K J 3
♣ K Q 10 9 6 4 3