Deal 16
♠ 8 6 5 3
K 5 4
K J 10 8 5
♣ Q

Some pretty agressive bidding gets you to a challenging game.
South is to play 4. West leads the ♠K, overtaken by East's ♠A. East returns a ♠ to West's ♠10, and he then plays the ♠Q.

Make a Plan, then click NEXT .
  ♠ 7 4
A Q 8 6 2
Q 6
♣ A 8 4 3

Deal 16
OL: ♠K
♠ 8 6 5 3
K 5 4
K J 10 8 5
♣ Q
  South is to play 4. West leads the ♠K, overtaken by East's ♠A. East returns a ♠ to West's ♠10, and he then plays the ♠Q.

Losers:   ♠ = 2    = 0    = 1   ♣ = 3   Total = 6

With 2 tricks already gone you still have 4 losers. You could consider ruffing the 3 ♣ losers in dummy but that would just create a trump loser even when trumps are splitting 3-2. So it looks like you will have to establish the suit for discards. You could pull trumps and then play your Q, hoping the defenders will grab their A immediately. But unless they are real novices they will hold it up one round and you'll no longer be able to reach dummy.

The solution is to establish the s before you use up dummy's K.

Ruff the third ♠, then play Q, (which they will duck), and another , (which they will probably take). Win whatever they return, pull trumps ending in dummy, and enjoy your 3 winners.

Click NEXT to see the complete Deal.
  ♠ 7 4
A Q 8 6 2
Q 6
♣ A 8 4 3

Deal 16
OL: ♠K
♠ 8 6 5 3
K 5 4
K J 10 8 5
♣ Q
  If East does not take the second you continue the suit, and whether you ruff or discard a loser you still make the contract.

 Deal 17 
♠ K Q J 10
10 9
7 3 2
♣ K 10 7 2
♠ A 9 2
J 7 3
A 9 2
♣ J 9 6 5
  ♠ 7 4
A Q 8 6 2
Q 6
♣ A 8 4 3