Deal 21 ♠  
pass4♣pass BID 

The bidding has gone as shown. It is your bid.
  ♠ K 9 2
A K Q 7 4
♣ A 9 6 3

Deal 21 ♠  
pass5pass BID 

The bidding has gone as shown. It is your bid.

Partner's Splinter Bid in ♣s has really made your hand look good. With no losers in trumps or ♣s you need to find out about the other two suits. So you invoke Blackwood and partner replies 5. What do you bid next?
  ♠ K 9 2
A K Q 7 4
♣ A 9 6 3

Deal 21 ♠ A 7 5
J 9 8 6 5
A K 9 3
♣ 7

The bidding has gone as shown. It is your bid.

Partner's Splinter Bid in ♣s has really made your hand look good. With no losers in trumps or ♣s you need to find out about the other two suits. So you invoke Blackwood and partner replies 5. What do you bid next?

If partner can take care of your three ♣ losers you will have just one ♠ loser at most. So you bid 6. Maybe you should have bid 7.

 Deal 22 
  ♠ K 9 2
A K Q 7 4
♣ A 9 6 3