Deal 13 ♠  

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  ♠ A 7 4
7 6 3
A J 6
♣ K 9 7 4

Deal 13 ♠ K 9 5
A J 9
K Q 8 5
♣ A 10 2

With 12 points opposite partner's 15-17, this is a forcing-to-game hand. If it had not been for the overcall you would just have jumped to 3NT.

Playing lebensohl you do the same thing, jump to 3NT. Since you went directly to 3NT you are telling partner you have that type of hand, but DO NOT have a stopper (DIRECT DENIES).

Partner does have them stopped so he passes.

 Deal 14 
  ♠ A 7 4
7 6 3
A J 6
♣ K 9 7 4