Deal 7 ♠  
You dealt this hand. What do you bid?
  ♠ A 10 6 5
A K 8 6 4
7 2
♣ A 3

Deal 7 ♠  
pass1♠pass BID 
You dealt this hand. What do you bid?

Naturally you open 1. Partner responds 1♠.
What do you say next?
  ♠ A 10 6 5
A K 8 6 4
7 2
♣ A 3

Deal 7 ♠ K 9 7 3
K Q 6 4
♣ Q 8 7 6
You dealt this hand. What do you bid?

Naturally you open 1. Partner responds 1♠.
What do you say next?

Partner has at least 4 ♠s and you have 4. So you have found the 8-card Major fit. Now it is a question of finding the right level. Your job is to further describe your hand as either minimum, medium, or maximum. With 17/18 points (revalued) you are a medium, so you jump to 3♠.

Partner bids the game.

 Deal 8 
  ♠ A 10 6 5
A K 8 6 4
7 2
♣ A 3