Deal 13 ♠  
1pass BID 
The bidding has been as shown. What do you bid?
  ♠ 8
Q 9 8 5 3
K J 8 5
♣ 8 6 4

Deal 13 ♠ 7 4 2
K 10 7 4 2
A Q 4
♣ K 3
The bidding has been as shown. What do you bid?

When you have a weak, distributional hand with 5 of partner's suit an immediate jump to game is usually the best approach. If he has a good hand you will probably make the contract. If he is minimum then you might get a preemptive effect and stop your LHO from entering the bidding.

This is a good example. Partner may be lucky and make 4. But if they had had an opportunity to compete the opponents might well be able to make 4♠.

 Deal 14 
  ♠ 8
Q 9 8 5 3
K J 8 5
♣ 8 6 4