Deal 14
  4♠ Dbld


The bidding has been as shown.
The contract is 4♠ doubled and it is your lead.

When you have made your choice click NEXT .
♠ A 4 3
J 10 2
Q J 10 9 8
♣ A J



Deal 14
  4♠ Dbld
♠ K 10 8
A 9 5 3 2
♣ 8 5 3 2
  Lead the ♠A.

South's 2♠ bid is a Weak-jump Overcall, based on a 6-card ♠ suit and a weak hand.

Either the Q or J would normally be good leads.

But on this deal North/South have clearly sacrificed against your almost certain game. Since they don't have enough high-card strength to make this contract declarer is hoping to get some ruffs.

The way to cut down the number of ruffs he can make is to lead a trump at every opportunity.

So take the ♠A and then play another ♠.
Declarer will still be able to ruff one in dummy, but will be left with two losing s and will be down 2.
Without the two trump plays he could have ruffed all three of his losers and actually made the conract.

 Deal 15 
♠ A 4 3
J 10 2
Q J 10 8 7
♣ A J
♠ 5
K Q 9 6 3
K 6
♣ K Q 10 9 6
  ♠ Q J 9 7 6 2
A 8 5 4
♣ 7 4