Deal 17


The bidding has been as shown.
The contract is 3NT and it is your lead.

When you have made your choice click NEXT .
♠ 4
10 9 8 4
8 6 3 2
♣ K 8 7 2



Deal 17
♠ A 9 7 6 2
A 6 3
K 4
♣ Q J 5
  Lead the ♠4.

If partner had not doubled the contract you would probably have started with the 10, or possibly the ♣2.

But partner DID double, and most good players play that doubling 3NT is lead-directing as follows:
  If you have bid a suit, lead it.
  If doubler has bid a suit, lead it.
  If neither of you has bid, lead dummy's first bid suit.

So lead a ♠, certainly not a lead you would have made without the double.
Partner immediately establishes 4 ♠ winners and he has the A for an entry.

With any other lead declarer will make the contract.

 Deal 18 
♠ 4
10 9 8 4
8 6 3 2
♣ K 8 7 2
♠ K Q J 10 8
7 5 2
A 5
♣ 9 6 3
  ♠ 5 3
Q J 10 9 7
♣ A 10 4