You will always be in the South position. Either you or partner may open the bidding.
The first page (or two) of each Deal shows only your hand. The initial bidding is given and you are asked to decide
what you would bid, then click the word BID up in the bidding table.
The next page will then appear showing the recommended bid and continuing the auction.
On the final page of each Deal partner's hand will be shown.
First let's review the "standard" bidding which follows a Weak 2-bid opening.
If the Responder has an interest in going higher he bids 2NT.
The Weak-2 opener replies as follows:
With a minimum, rebid the suit at the 3-level
With a maximum, show a feature (Ace or King) of an outside suit by bidding that suit at the 3-level
With a solid suit (A K Q x x x) bid 3NT
If you are happy with that method just stop reading this and go over to the Weak 2-bid topic for some practice!
Ogust rebids:
As the popularity of Weak 2-bids has increased, the requirement for suit quality has declined. Many
of today's players ignore the old requirement that you should have 2 of the top 3 honors,
(or 3 honors altogether) in the suit.
A hand like
♠ 5
♥ Q 9 8 6 5 3
♦ A 7 3
♣ 9 6 2
might be opened 2♥ by an opponent.
Or, you might fall under the spell and open 2♥ with the hand yourself.
Harold Ogust developed a convention to allow Responder to obtain more information from the Weak-2 opener.
The Ogust Convention also starts with Responder bidding 2NT, but Opener's rebids are more descriptive.
minimum hand
poor suit
minimum hand
good suit
maximum hand
poor suit
maximum hand
good suit
A K Q x x x suit
In theory, once the Responder learns which of the five categories Opener falls into he should be able to
set the contract correctly.
Of course it is important that the partners are agreed on the meanings of minimum/maximum and poor/good.
Here are our suggestions:
Assuming your Weak 2-bid strength is 6-11 total points, use 6-8 as minimum, 9-11 as maximum.
A good suit is headed by any two of the top three honors ( A K Q ) a poor suit is not.
That's all there is to it. The 10 Practice Deals are worth 10,000 more words.