Deal 20 ♠  
1♣2♠pass BID 

The bidding has been as shown. It is your bid. What do you say?
  ♠ A 8 5
A K 7
K J 6
♣ 10 8 6 4
valign="top" height="800px"
Deal 20 ♠  
pass3pass BID 

The bidding has been as shown. It is your bid. What do you say?

You might just try 4♠. Of course if partner has a minimum Weak Jump Overcall that will get you much too high.
A better approach is to ask for more information from partner.
The bid that asks is 2NT.
Partner replies 3. What do you bid now?
  ♠ A 8 5
A K 7
K J 6
♣ 10 8 6 4

Deal 20 ♠ K Q 10 9 3 2
8 4 2
A 6
♣ 9 2

The bidding has been as shown. It is your bid. What do you say?

You might just try 4♠. Of course if partner has a minimum Weak Jump Overcall that will get you much too high.
A better approach is to ask for more information from partner.
The bid that asks is 2NT.
Partner replies 3. What do you bid now?

Partner's 3 bid tells you two things.
One, he is in the top half of his 6-11 point range.
Two, he has a high card (Ace or King) in s.
When you construct a hand for him which contains 6 pretty good ♠s and the A you come up with a hand which will probably make game. Bid 4♠.

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  ♠ A 8 5
A K 7
K J 6
♣ 10 8 6 4