Deal 2 ♠  
3♠pass BID 

The bidding has been as shown.
Decide what you would bid, then click on BID above.

  ♠ 9 2
K J 8 5
K J 9
♣ K Q 8 3

Deal 2 ♠ K Q J 10 8 6 4
9 7
6 5
♣ 10 4

The bidding has been as shown.
Decide what you would bid, then click on BID above.

You have 13 points and if partner had opened with a 1♠ bid you'd be feeling "jumpy".
But what a preemptive bidder needs from dummy are immediate winners, not points. So you pass.

Here's a pretty good tip:
When partner opens with a 3-bid and you are trying to decide whether to take him to game, visualize him holding this very hand:
  K Q J 10 x x x of trumps and nothing in any other suit.
Then base your decision on that.

 Deal 3 
  ♠ 9 2
K J 8 5
K J 9
♣ K Q 8 3