Deal 3

pass2pass BID 

The bidding has gone as shown.
At your first turn you bid your suit, up-the-line.
Decide what you would say next, then click on BID above.
  ♠ K 10 9 4
K 10 9 6
10 8 2
♣ 9 5

Deal 3 ♠ J 3
Q 8
K Q J 5
♣ A K 7 6 2

You only have 7 points, but partner Reversed so you cannot pass.
You need to make a bid to show your minimum, and you cannot support either of partner's suits, nor can you rebid your s.

However, you also cannot bid your ♠ suit. That would be fourth-suit-forcing, and would show a game forcing hand of 9 or more points.

Instead you bid 2NT. Partner has a bare 17 so he passes.

 Deal 4 
  ♠ K 10 9 4
K 10 9 6
10 8 2
♣ 9 5