Responses to RKCB 4NT (1430 style) | |
5♣ | 1 or 4 Key-Cards |
5♦ | 0 or 3 Key-Cards |
5♥ | 2 Key-Cards, WITHOUT the trump Queen |
5♠ | 2 Key-Cards, WITH the trump Queen |
Pard | You | |
4NT | 5♦ | You have 0 Key-Cards. |
Pard | You | |
4NT | 5♣ | You have 1 Key-Card, the ♣A. |
Pard | You | |
4NT | 5♥ | You have 2 Key-Cards (♣A, ♥K) without the Queen of trumps. |
Pard | You | |
4NT | 5♠ | You have 2 Key-Cards (♣A, ♥K) with the Queen of trumps. |
Pard | You | |
4NT | 5♦ | You have 3 Key-Cards, ♥K, ♦A, ♣A. |
Pard | You | |
4NT | 5♣ | You have 4 Key-Cards, ♥ A K, ♦A, ♣A. |
Pard | You | |
1♦ | 1♠ | This is pretty obvious that ♠s are trump. |
3♠ | 4NT |
You | Pard | |
1♦ | 1♠ | Here there is no specific agreement. Since ♥s were bid last, ♥s are trump. |
3♥ | 4NT |
Responses to RKCB 5NT | |
6♣ | 0 Kings |
6♦ | 1 King |
6♥ | 2 Kings |
6♠ | 3 Kings |
Pard | You | |
4NT | 5♣ | Showing 1 or 4 Key-Cards |
5NT | 6♦ | Showing 1 King |
Pard | You | |
4NT | 5♦ | Showing 0 or 3 Key-Cards |
5NT | 6♥ | Showing 2 Kings |
After a 5♣ or 5♦ response the cheapest non-trump-suit bid asks for information about the trump Queen. |
Replies to Queen Ask | |
Without the Queen | Bid trump suit at the cheapest level |
With Queen | Bid 6 of the agreed trump suit if you have no outside King |
With Queen | Bid the suit of your cheapest outside King if you can stay below 6 of your agreed suit |
With Queen | Bid 5NT if your only outside King ranks above your agreed suit. |
Pard | You | |
4NT | 5♣ | Showing 1 or 4 Key-Cards |
5♦ | 6♦ | Showing the trump Queen and the ♦K |
Pard | You | |
4NT | 5♣ | Showing 1 or 4 Key-Cards |
5♦ | 5♥ | No trump Queen |
Pard | You | |
4NT | 5♣ | Showing 1 or 4 Key-Cards |
5♦ | 5♠ | Trump Queen and ♠K |
Pard | You | |
4NT | 5♦ | Showing 0 or 3 Key-Cards |
5♠ | 6♣ | Trump Queen and ♣K |
Pard | You | |
4NT | 5♦ | Showing 0 or 3 Key-Cards |
5♠ | 6♥ | Trump Queen, no outside King |
Pard | You | |
4NT | 5♦ | Showing 0 or 3 Key-Cards |
5♠ | 5NT | Trump Queen and a King higher than ♥s |
In Response to a 4NT asking bid | |
6 of a suit ranking below trumps shows 1 or 3 Key-Cards and a void in the bid suit | |
6 of the trump suit shows 1 or 3 Key-cards and a void in an unspecified higher-ranking suit | |
5NT shows 2 or 4 Key-Cards and a void in an unspecified suit |
Pard | You | |
4NT | 6♦ | Showing 1 or 3 Key-Cards and a ♦ void |
Pard | You | |
4NT | 6♥ | Showing 1 or 3 Key-Cards and a void in a higher-ranking suit which is obviously ♠s |
Pard | You | |
4NT | 5NT | Showing 2 or 4 Key-Cards and a void in an unspecified suit |
Responses to RKCB 4NT (1430 style) | |
5♣ | 1 or 4 Key-Cards |
5♦ | 0 or 3 Key-Cards |
5♥ | 2 Key-Cards, WITHOUT the trump Queen |
5♠ | 2 Key-Cards, WITH the trump Queen |
5NT | even number of Key-Cards and a void in some suit |
6*lower* | odd number of Key-Cards and a void in the lower-ranking bid suit |
6*trump* | odd number of Key-Cards and a void in some higher-ranking suit |