Deal 4 ♠  
pass4pass BID 

Your partnership plays Jacoby 2NT convention, so partner's 2NT shows a game-forcing raise in ♠s. Your 3NT bid indicates a 5-card suit and "extra values". Partner's 4 is a control-bid showing the A.
Decide what you would say next, then click on BID above.
  ♠ A J 9 7 2
K Q 5
K 5
♣ A K 6

Deal 4 ♠  
pass5♠pass BID 

Your partnership plays Jacoby 2NT convention, so partner's 2NT shows a game-forcing raise in ♠s. Your 3NT bid indicates a 5-card suit and "extra values". Partner's 4 is a control-bid showing the A.
Decide what you would say next, then click on BID above.

What you need to know now about partner's hand is Key-Cards so you bid 4NT.
He answers 5♠. What is your bid?
  ♠ A J 9 7 2
K Q 5
K 5
♣ A K 6

Deal 4 ♠ K Q 8 4
A J 6
J 3
♣ Q J 8 3

Your partnership plays Jacoby 2NT convention, so partner's 2NT shows a game-forcing raise in ♠s. Your 3NT bid indicates a 5-card suit and "extra values". Partner's 4 is a control-bid showing the A.
Decide what you would say next, then click on BID above.

What you need to know now about partner's hand is Key-Cards so you bid 4NT.
He answers 5♠. What is your bid?

Partner's response says 2 Key-Cards and the ♠Q. So you are missing either the trump King or the A. So you shouldn't bid 7, but you will almost surely make 6.
You bid 6♠.

 Deal 5 
  ♠ A J 9 7 2
K Q 5
K 5
♣ A K 6