Deal 19 ♠  
pass2♠pass BID 

Your 2 response shows 8+ points, with at least 5 s.
Decide what you would say next, then click on BID above.
  ♠ K 10 7 2
A K 8 6 5
8 3
♣ 6 4

Deal 19 ♠  
pass4NTpass BID 

Your 2 response shows 8+ points, with at least 5 s.
Decide what you would say next, then click on BID above.

Your hand is looking better and better. You already gave a positive response so you know you are forced to game. It is better to keep the bidding low to allow more investigating room so you bid 3♠.
Partner bids 4NT. What is your response?
  ♠ K 10 7 2
A K 8 6 5
8 3
♣ 6 4

Deal 19 ♠  
pass5NTpass BID 

Your 2 response shows 8+ points, with at least 5 s.
Decide what you would say next, then click on BID above.

Your hand is looking better and better. You already gave a positive response so you know you are forced to game. It is better to keep the bidding low to allow more investigating room so you bid 3♠.
Partner bids 4NT. What is your response?

With ♠s agreed as trumps you have two Key-Cards, the ♠K and the A. With no trump Queen you respond 5.
Partner now says 5NT. What do you reply?
  ♠ K 10 7 2
A K 8 6 5
8 3
♣ 6 4

Deal 19 ♠ A Q J 8 5 4 3
A K 4
♣ A K
pass7NTall pass

Your 2 response shows 8+ points, with at least 5 s.
Decide what you would say next, then click on BID above.
Your hand is looking better and better. You already gave a positive response so you know you are forced to game. It is better to keep the bidding low to allow more investigating room so you bid 3♠.
Partner bids 4NT. What is your response?
With ♠s agreed as trumps you have two Key-Cards, the ♠K and the A. With no trump Queen you respond 5.
Partner now says 5NT. What do you reply?

Partner is asking for Kings and you have just 1, the K. Remember, the ♠K is not a King, it is a Key-Card which you have already counted.
So you bid 6. Partner counts 13 tricks and bids 7NT.

 Deal 20 
  ♠ K 10 7 2
A K 8 6 5
8 3
♣ 6 4