Deal 11 ♠  
pass2♠ BID 

The bidding has been as shown. It is your bid. What do you say?
  ♠ 7
A K J 3
A K 10 5
♣ A Q J 9

Deal 11 ♠  
pass3pass BID 

The bidding has been as shown. It is your bid. What do you say?

Pretty good hand you have. Certainly good enough to make a Takeout Double that forces partner to the 3-level.
Partner responds 3. What do you bid?
  ♠ 7
A K J 3
A K 10 5
♣ A Q J 9

Deal 11 ♠ J 8 5 3
10 9 6 2
Q 9 6
♣ 7 3

The bidding has been as shown. It is your bid. What do you say?

Pretty good hand you have. Certainly good enough to make a Takeout Double that forces partner to the 3-level.
Partner responds 3. What do you bid?

Some questions don't have a correct answer. If partner has Q x x x along with the ♣K and Q he would bid just as he did and slam would be cold. But if he has four small s and nothing else he would bid just as he did and you probably cannot make ten tricks. On balance it is probably best to just bid the most likely reasonable contract, which is 4.

 Deal 12 
  ♠ 7
A K J 3
A K 10 5
♣ A Q J 9