Deal 19

You dealt this hand.
Decide what you would bid, then click on BID above.
  ♠ A 10 7
A J 10 9 6 5
9 7
♣ 5 2

Deal 19
pass2♠pass BID 

You dealt this hand.
Decide what you would bid, then click on BID above.

You open with a Weak 2-Bid, 2.
Partner responds 2♠. What do you say next?
  ♠ A 10 7
A J 10 9 6 5
9 7
♣ 5 2

Deal 19
♠ K Q J 8 6 4
A 8 5 2
♣ K Q 3

You dealt this hand.
Decide what you would bid, then click on BID above.

You open with a Weak 2-Bid, 2.
Partner responds 2♠. What do you say next?

The 2♠ bid is forcing for one round, but you want to bid again anyway.
While you had an 11 point hand when you opened 2 it has actually grown in value in support of ♠s. It is a question whether you should now bid 3♠ or 4♠.
Let's assume you say 3♠ and partner raises to 4♠.

 Deal 20 
  ♠ A 10 7
A J 10 9 6 5
9 7
♣ 5 2