Deal 10
♠ A 4
K J 10 8 6 5 3
♣ 8 7
pass6all pass

South opens 1♠, her 5-card Major and North responds 2.
South knows this is a 5-card suit, and bids 3, confirming the 8+card trump fit.

Once the trump fit is known, North revalues his hand to about 19 points. He makes a slam try with a control-showing bid of 3♠. He knows South won't take this as ♠ support since the partnership has agreed that s are going to be trumps.

South now shows her control by bidding 4♣.

That was what North needed to hear; when Blackwood uncovers two Aces he bids 6.

The slam is a good one. If either the ♠Q or ♣K is right there are 12 tricks by way of a finesse. But the best way to play the hand would be to try to establish a ♠ in the South hand, and if that fails try the ♣ finesse.

 Deal 11 
  ♠ K J 7 6 3
A Q 7
8 4
♣ A Q J