These Practice pages can be utilized in several ways.

The recommended method is for two partners to be in vocal contact, each looking at the page in a different computer - perhaps one with a laptop. Using this method one partner would start by clicking on NORTH, the other on SOUTH.

Somewhat less satisfactorily, the partners can use a single computer, and alternate looking at the display, again one as NORTH, the other as SOUTH.

As a last resort, one person can click back and forth between screens.

Start by clicking one of the buttons; when the bidding is complete click the BIDDING button to check the "recommended" bidding.
 You are the Dealer.
 Bid this hand with your partner.
 The opponents do not bid.
 Your partner, NORTH, is the Dealer.
 Bid this hand together.
 The opponents do not bid.

NORTH has an mid-range 1NT opener; a balanced hand with 16 points.

SOUTH has 9 points. He bids 2NT, asking NORTH to pass if she has 15 or bid 3NT if she has 17.

But NORTH has 16 points, which leaves her with no clear choice. In this case she must decide whether her hand is a "good" 16 points or a "poor" 16 points. Since her supporting cards are mostly 10's, 9's and 8's she figures it as "good" and bids 3NT.
♠ A 10 8
A 10 9
K Q 10 8
♣ K 9 7

♠ K 7 3
Q 7 2
J 9 4
♣ Q J 10 8