Deal 7
♠ A 8 7 3
9 6
7 6 3
♣ A Q J 10

South is to play 6♠. West leads the K.

Make a Plan, then click NEXT .
  ♠ K Q J 9 6 5 4
A 4
A 5 2
♣ 7

Deal 7
♠ A 8 7 3
9 6
7 6 3
♣ A Q J 10
  South is to play 6♠. West leads the K.

Losers:   ♠ = 0    = 1    = 2   ♣ = 0   Total = 3

Your only hope for ridding yourself of two of those losers is dummy's ♣ suit.
One possibility would be to finesse West for the ♣K, and if that works, discard your loser on the ♣A. You could then establish another ♣ winner for one of the losers. The problem with that plan is that if the finesse fails the defense will immediately take the setting trick.

A better plan is a ruffing finesse.
Win the first trick with your A and pull trumps with your ♠ K Q.

Click NEXT .
  ♠ K Q J 9 6 5 4
A 4
A 5 2
♣ 7

Deal 7
♠ A 8
7 6 3
♣ A Q J 10
  South is to play 6♠. West leads the K.

Losers:   ♠ = 0    = 1    = 2   ♣ = 0   Total = 3

Your only hope for ridding yourself of two of those losers is dummy's ♣ suit.
One possibility would be to finesse West for the ♣K, and if that works, discard your loser on the ♣A. You could then establish another ♣ winner for one of the losers. The problem with that plan is that if the finesse fails the defense will immediately take the setting trick.

A better plan is a ruffing finesse.
Win the first trick with your A and pull trumps with your ♠ K Q.

Next play your ♣7 to dummy's ♣A.
Then lead the ♣Q from dummy.
If East plays the ♣K you will ruff, enter dummy, and discard two red losers on the ♣ J 10.
If East plays low instead, you discard your loser. West may be able to win the trick but you can ruff a return, and dummy will have two good ♣s on which you can discard 2 losers.

Click NEXT for the complete Deal.
  ♠ J 9 6 5 4
A 5 2
♣ 7

Deal 7
♠ A 8 7 3
9 6
7 6 3
♣ A Q J 10
  Ruffing finesses sometimes provide you the best opportunity, like this time.

But they are easy to overlook, mainly because we don't use them often.

 Deal 8 
♠ 10 2
K Q J 5 2
Q 10 8
♣ 9 4 3
♠ --
10 8 7 3
K J 9 4
♣ K 8 6 5 2
  ♠ K Q J 9 6 5 4
A 4
A 5 2
♣ 7