Deal 18 |
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣ |
Partner's 2♥ is a positive response, 8+ points with a 5+ card suit. Decide what you would say next, then click on BID above. |
♠ Q 8 ♥ A J 9 7 ♦ K Q J ♣ A K Q 6 |
Deal 18 |
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣ |
Partner's 2♥ is a positive response, 8+ points with a 5+ card suit. Decide what you would say next, then click on BID above. Even though it is tempting, bidding RKCB now would be a mistake because of your doubleton ♠ loser. Instead just support the ♥s. Partner cannot pass, you both know you are forced to game. In fact, partner bids 3♠. What do you bid next? |
♠ Q 8 ♥ A J 9 7 ♦ K Q J ♣ A K Q 6 |
Deal 18 |
♠ -- ♥ K Q 10 8 6 3 2 ♦ 5 3 ♣ J 10 8 2 |
Partner's 2♥ is a positive response, 8+ points with a 5+ card suit. Decide what you would say next, then click on BID above. Even though it is tempting, bidding RKCB now would be a mistake because of your doubleton ♠ loser. Instead just support the ♥s. Partner cannot pass, you both know you are forced to game. In fact, partner bids 3♠. What do you bid next? Partner promises first round ♠ control so NOW you can bid RCKB. When you bid 4NT partner answers 6♥. This shows 1 Key-Card and a void in a suit higher than ♥s. Knowing you are missing either the ♦A or ♥K you pass. Deal 19 |
♠ Q 8 ♥ A J 9 7 ♦ K Q J ♣ A K Q 6 |