Deal 10 ♠  
1♣pass1♠ BID 

The bidding has been as shown. It is your bid. What do you say?
  ♠ A 8 5
K Q 7 3
A J 10 5
♣ 9 4

Deal 10 ♠  
pass2pass BID 

The bidding has been as shown. It is your bid. What do you say?

You should double. This is a special case of the Takeout Double, where the opponents have already bid two suits before it gets to you. Since they apparently have at least 20 points, you should have a solid hand with at least 4-4 in the two unbid suits. A hand just like this one.

Partner bids 2. What do you say next?
  ♠ A 8 5
K Q 7 3
A J 10 5
♣ 9 4

Deal 10 ♠ 7 4
J 5
K 8 7 3 2
♣ Q 7 6 2

The bidding has been as shown. It is your bid. What do you say?

You should double. This is a special case of the Takeout Double, where the opponents have already bid two suits before it gets to you. Since they apparently have at least 20 points, you should have a solid hand with at least 4-4 in the two unbid suits. A hand just like this one.

Partner bids 2. What do you say next?

Just pass. This is obviously a fight for the partscore and you have the advantage because you have found a fit. However, you suspect partner is quite weak.

 Deal 11 
  ♠ A 8 5
K Q 7 3
A J 10 5
♣ 9 4