These Practice pages can be utilized in several ways.

The recommended method is for two partners to be in vocal contact, each looking at the page in a different computer - perhaps one with a laptop. Using this method one partner would start by clicking on NORTH, the other on SOUTH.

Somewhat less satisfactorily, the partners can use a single computer, and alternate looking at the display, again one as NORTH, the other as SOUTH.

As a last resort, one person can click back and forth between screens.

Start by clicking one of the buttons; when the bidding is complete click the BIDDING button to check the "recommended" bidding.
 You are the Dealer.
 Bid this hand with your partner.
 East overcalls 1 if possible.
 Neither opponent bids again.
 Your partner, NORTH is the Dealer.
 Bid this hand together.
 East overcalls 1 if possible.
 Neither opponent bids again.

SOUTH cannot respond with a Negative Double on this hand because he has only three s.

Instead he just bids his 4-card Major, 1♠.

NORTH shows 4-card support with a minimum opener by bidding 2♠ and SOUTH has enough strength to bid game.
♠ A K J 7
8 7
9 7 6
♣ K Q 5 4

♠ Q 9 6 2
A K 5
8 4
♣ A 6 3 2