Negative Double
Partner opens 1 of a suit and the next opponent overcalls a suit:
Double by you is not for penalty - it says you would have responded if no overcall.
You need 6+ points for 1-level double, more for higher level double
Negative Double promises at least four cards in any unbid Major
If both Majors have been bid, double promises both minors
1♣/♦ - 1♥ - dbl - promises 4-card Spade suit
1♣/♦ - 1♥ - 1♠ - promises 5+ card Spade suit
Support Cue-bid
When partner opens and next player overcalls, a Cue-bid by you shows Limit-raise or better support for partner's
suit. Any raise of partner's suit is preemptive and shows LESS than a Limit-raise.
When an opponent opens, partner overcalls, and the next opponent passes, a Cue-bid by you shows Limit-raise or
better support for partner's suit. Any raise of partner's suit is preemptive and shows LESS than a Limit-raise.
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