
We hope this site will be useful to you as a resource for a variety of Bridge topics.

The menus show the topics that are here, but the site will always be a work-in-progress so check in again later if you don't see what you want.
Click on GO to access any topic.

There are many sites on the internet with lessons and explanations of conventions. We have tried to provide something that is a lot harder to find - Practice Deals. Most of the topics contain interactive practice hands, right now more than 500 of them.

 Introduction to Bidding  GO 
 The New Old Fashioned Bidding Wheel  GO 
 Major Suit Openings - Lesson plus Practice Deals  GO 
 Minor Suit Openings - Lesson plus Practice Deals  GO
 Notrump Openings - Lesson plus Practice Deals  GO 

 THUMBNAIL descriptions of 23 common conventions  GO 
 2-OVER-1 Game Force - Summary plus Practice Deals  GO 
 Blackwood and Gerber - Summary plus Practice Deals  GO 
 Fourth Suit Forcing - Summary plus Practice Deals  GO 
 Gerber Quiz - Take this before reading the Gerber lesson  GO 
 Help Suit Game Try - Summary plus Practice Deals  GO 
 Jacoby Transfers - Summary plus Practice Deals  GO 
 Jacoby 2NT/Splinter Bids - Summary plus Practice Deals  GO 
 New Minor Forcing - Summary plus Practice Deals  GO 
 Ogust after Weak 2-bid - Summary plus Practice Deals  GO 
 Preemptive Bids - Summary plus Practice Deals  GO 
 Reverse Bid - Summary plus Practice Deals  GO 
 Reverse Drury - Summary plus Practice Deals  GO 
 Roman Key-card Blackwood - Summary plus Practice Deals  GO 
 Stayman Convention - Summary plus Practice Deals  GO 
 Strong 2♣-Bids - Summary plus Practice Deals  GO 
 Weak 2-Bids - Summary plus Practice Deals  GO 

 DONT - Summary plus Practice Deals  GO 
 Law of Total Tricks  GO 
 Lebensohl - Summary plus Practice Deals  GO 
 Michaels Cue Bids / Unusual NT - Summary plus Practice Deals  GO 
 Negative Doubles - Summary plus Practice Deals  GO 
 Overcalls - Summary plus Practice Deals  GO 
 Support Cue-bids - Summary plus Practice Deals  GO 
 Takeout Doubles - Summary plus Practice Deals  GO 

 Planning the Play of a Hand  GO 
 Elimination Plays - Lesson plus Practice Deals  GO 
 Entry Management - Lesson plus Practice Deals  GO 
 Finessing - Lesson plus Practice Deals  GO 
 Holdup Plays - Lesson plus Practice Deals  GO 
 Squeeze Plays - Lesson plus Practice Deals  GO 
 Suit Establishment - Lesson plus Practice Deals  GO 
 Trump Management - Lesson plus Practice Deals  GO 

 Opening Leads - Lesson plus Practice Deals  GO 
 Third Hand Play - Lesson plus Practice Deals  GO 
 Second Hand Play - Lesson plus Practice Deals  GO 
 Defensive Signals - Lesson plus Practice Deals  GO 
 Rule of Eleven  GO 

 100 NoTrump Openings - Bidding and Play  GO 
 100 Miscellaneous Deals - Bidding and Play  GO 

 Practice Bidding for Two Players GO 

We have tried hard to keep mistakes from slipping into the pages but there will surely be some.
We apologize for them and would appreciate you letting us know of any errors that you find, whether they be typos, missing cards or incorrect explanations.
On that note we want to send a special thanks to John Finlay who has sent us more than a dozen corrections in recent weeks. Thanks, John.
We welcome any suggestions from our readers.

E-mail Gwen
E-mail Jim