There are many hundreds of Bridge conventions.

Some are so important that every Bridge player should be using them; others so obscure that only tournament players will bother to learn them.

Some are very easy to use; others have a steep learning curve and then still need a lot of practice even after you have learned the fundamentals.

The 24 conventions listed here are one person's choice of the most important/popular. Clicking on any title will take you to a brief 1-page summary of the convention. In most cases there is also a BakerBridge page with a complete lesson plus practice deals in case you are motivated to learn more about the convention.

The conventions your partnership decides to play will boil down to personal choice. However, the menu at left sorts them into a reasonable priority order. The first five, down through Stayman, should be considered mandatory for regular players. And Negative Double, Reverse Bids and Gerber convention are not far behind.